大学化学 >> 2023, Vol. 38 >> Issue (4): 291-299.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202301019

所属专题: 第3届全国大学生化学实验创新设计竞赛

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潘建章1,2,*(), 张梦婷1, 张箫扬1, 廖育城1, 徐欣然1, 方群1,2,*()   

  1. 1 浙江大学化学系, 杭州 310058
    2 浙江大学杭州国际科创中心, 杭州 311200
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-26 录用日期:2023-03-09 发布日期:2023-03-29
  • 通讯作者: 潘建章,方群 E-mail:kelvonpan@zju.edu.cn;fangqun@zju.edu.cn

Open Laboratory Teaching Design of Instrumental Analysis: Construction of a Modular Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection System Based on LEGO Blocks

Pan Jianzhang1,2,*(), Mengting Zhang1, Xiaoyang Zhang1, Yucheng Liao1, Xinran Xu1, Qun Fang1,2,*()   

  1. 1 Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
    2 Hangzhou International Science and Innovation Center of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 311200, China
  • Received:2023-01-26 Accepted:2023-03-09 Published:2023-03-29
  • Contact: Pan Jianzhang, Qun Fang E-mail:kelvonpan@zju.edu.cn;fangqun@zju.edu.cn


基于市售乐高(LEGO)积木和3D打印积木构建的光学模块,发展了适用于本科生仪器分析教学实验的模块化激光诱导荧光(Laser induced fluorescence,LIF)检测系统。将该系统的构建过程引入本科生仪器分析的实验教学中,指导学生基于不同功能的积木块,实现LIF系统的组装和搭建,并应用于对荧光素钠溶液浓度的测定。该系统具有成本低、易构建、操作灵活等特点,模块化的构建形式大大降低了仪器搭建门槛,即使没有前期经验的本科生也可在3 h内搭建完成。将模块化构建思想引入开放式教学环节,可激发学生对仪器分析课程的兴趣和热情,同时有助于加深学生对荧光分析原理和LIF检测系统结构的理解,在系统构建过程中还能锻炼学生的动手能力,提高学生发现问题和和解决问题的能力。

关键词: 激光诱导荧光检测, 模块化设计, 乐高积木, 3D打印, 开放式教学


In this work, a modular Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection system LEGO LIF for undergraduate laboratory course was developed based on optical modules constructed from commercially available LEGO blocks and 3D-printed blocks. The system was applied to the laboratory teaching of undergraduate instrumental analysis, and the students were instructed to build the LIF system based on functional building blocks and apply it to the determination of sodium fluorescein solutions. The system is characterized by low cost, easy construction and flexible operation. The way of modular construction greatly reduced the threshold of instrument construction, and can be completed within 3 h by undergraduate students without experience. The introduction of the LIF modular construction design into the open teaching session can inspire students' interest and enthusiasm in the instrumental analysis course, and help deepen students' understanding of fluorescence analysis principles and LIF detection system structure, exercise students' hands-on ability as well as improve students' ability to find and solve problems during the process of system construction.

Key words: Laser-induced fluorescence detector, Modular design, LEGO blocks, 3D printing, Open teaching