大学化学 >> 2016, Vol. 31 >> Issue (8): 8-12.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX201509024

教学研究与改革 上一篇    下一篇



  • 发布日期:2016-08-31
  • 通讯作者: 王新平 E-mail:dllgwxp@dlut.edu.cn

Suggestions for the Physical Chemistry Course

Xin-Ping WANG*()   

  • Published:2016-08-31
  • Contact: Xin-Ping WANG E-mail:dllgwxp@dlut.edu.cn



关键词: 科学发展, 内容构架, 模块间的联系, 科学应用


In order to improve the teaching performance in the course of physical chemistry, the following four suggestions were given in this paper:(1) advances in the physical chemistry research field should be incorporated in the course; (2) the course should be arranged in the way beneficial to increasing the ability of students for solving the practical scientific problems; (3) the connection between knowledges should be clearly summarized in the course; (4) what and how problems can be solved using the knowledges should be clearly known by the students after the course.

Key words: Advancement of science, Framework of the content, Connection between knowledges, Scientific application