大学化学 >> 2022, Vol. 37 >> Issue (6): 2107111.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202107111

化学实验 上一篇    下一篇


张永民(), 樊晔, 刘雪锋, 胡学一, 方云   

  • 收稿日期:2021-07-31 录用日期:2021-08-30 发布日期:2021-09-30
  • 通讯作者: 张永民 E-mail:zhangym@jiangnan.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:张永民, Email: zhangym@jiangnan.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Comprehensive Experiment of Physical Chemistry Based on "High-Level, Innovation and Challenging": Taking the Surfactant-Free Microemulsion as an Example

Yongmin Zhang(), Ye Fan, Xuefeng Liu, Xueyi Hu, Yun Fang   

  • Received:2021-07-31 Accepted:2021-08-30 Published:2021-09-30
  • Contact: Yongmin Zhang E-mail:zhangym@jiangnan.edu.cn



关键词: 物理化学, 综合实验, 无表面活性剂微乳液, 纳米颗粒, 催化动力学


In order to achieve the "high-level, innovation and challenging" teaching requirements, a novel comprehensive experiment of physical chemistry involving ternary phase diagram, preparation of colloids, and establishment of reaction kinetics was designed by combining the recent development in colloid and interfacial science and nanomaterials. The current experiment is aimed at high-level learning and innovation cultivation, with room remained for raising challenges. With this experiment, the learning interests of students for physical chemistry can be inspired, the fundamental knowledge can be consolidated, and the understanding and comprehensive application ability of physical chemistry theories can be enhanced. It is favorable for broadening the scientific horizon of undergraduates, and cultivating their innovation ability, exploring spirit and environment awareness.

Key words: Physical chemistry, Comprehensive experiment, Surfactant free microemulsion, Nanoparticles, Catalytic kinetics