大学化学 >> 2016, Vol. 31 >> Issue (5): 78-84.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX201505015

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  • 发布日期:2016-05-23
  • 通讯作者: 王进平 E-mail:jpwang@qau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

A Universal Model for Titrations and Titration Curves Constructed Using MATLAB

Xiao-Bo SUN,Lin LI,Xiu-Xia WANG,Jin-Pi WANG*()   

  • Published:2016-05-23
  • Contact: Jin-Pi WANG E-mail:jpwang@qau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:


在将酸碱滴定、络合滴定、氧化还原滴定和沉淀滴定反应统一为M + L = N的基础上,将4种滴定曲线方程统一为两种数学模型。通过简单迭代法计算滴定过程中变化的副反应系数,利用接近数学表达式的自然化语言MATLAB解析4种滴定曲线方程,并绘制出精确的滴定曲线,方法简单易操作。

关键词: 滴定曲线, MATLAB, 模型统一


In this article, the reactions for acid-base, complexometric, redox and precipitate titrations can be generalized as M + L = N. Accordingly, their titration curve functions can be expressed as two mathematical models. MATLAB was used to analyze the titration curve models. The changing side reaction coefficients in titration process were calculated by a simple iteration method. Finally, the exact titration curves were plotted using this facile method.

Key words: Titration curves, MATLAB, Universal model