大学化学 >> 2024, Vol. 39 >> Issue (2): 83-88.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202309063

所属专题: 化学实验课程思政建设

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朱平平1,2,*(), 谢永军3, 易院平4, 黄渝1, 周强1,2, 肖石燕1, 杨海洋1, 何平笙1   

  1. 1 中国科学技术大学化学与材料科学学院, 合肥 230026
    2 化学国家级实验教学示范中心(中国科学技术大学), 合肥 230026
    3 合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心, 合肥 230026
    4 中国科学院化学研究所, 北京 100190
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-18 录用日期:2023-10-12 发布日期:2023-11-07
  • 通讯作者: 朱平平 E-mail:zhupp@ustc.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Excavation and Extraction of Ideological and Political Elements for the Virtual Simulation Experiments at Molecular Level: Taking the Project "the Simulation and Computation of Conformation, Morphology and Dimensions of Polymer Chains" as an Example

Pingping Zhu1,2,*(), Yongjun Xie3, Yuanping Yi4, Yu Huang1, Qiang Zhou1,2, Shiyan Xiao1, Haiyang Yang1, Pingsheng He1   

  1. 1 School of Chemistry and Materials Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
    2 National Demonstration Center for Experimental Chemistry Education (University of Science and Technology of China), Hefei 230026, China
    3 Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, Hefei 230026, China
    4 Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • Received:2023-09-18 Accepted:2023-10-12 Published:2023-11-07
  • Contact: Pingping Zhu E-mail:zhupp@ustc.edu.cn


高分子的构象、形态及尺寸的模拟与计算,是分子水平上的虚拟仿真实验项目,结合诺贝尔奖获得者de Gennes和P. J. Flory的理论工作、由项目组自身教研成果转化、师生合作研发而成。与小分子化合物相比,高分子的研究方法有很大的不同,特别是需要采用统计方法来描述高分子链的构象、形态,计算高分子链的平均尺寸,这是经典的物理化学方法所不能完成的。本项目从研发到教学实践、再经改进,教学内容的更新优化中,自然融入了诺贝尔奖成果、哲学思想、科学思维、学科发展史、教研成果等多个维度的思政元素。

关键词: 分子水平上的虚拟仿真实验, 量变引起质变, 科学思维, 诺贝尔奖成果, 高分子链的柔性


Simulating and calculating the conformation, morphology and dimensions of polymer chains, is a virtual simulation experiment project at the molecular level. It is based on the theoretical work of Nobel laureates de Gennes and P. J. Flory, and is developed through the transformation of the project team's own teaching and research achievements and collaborative research and development between teachers and students. Compared with small molecular compounds, the research methods for polymer chains are significantly different, especially in the need to use statistical methods to describe the conformation and morphology of polymer chains, and calculate the average dimensions of polymer chains. This cannot be achieved by classical physical chemistry methods. From development to teaching practice and subsequent improvements, the project naturally incorporates ideological and political elements from multiple dimensions such as Nobel Prize achievements, philosophical thoughts, scientific thinking, the history of disciplinary development, and teaching and research achievements were integrated into the update of teaching content.

Key words: Virtual simulation experiment project at molecular level, Quantitative change leads to qualitative change, Scientific thinking, Nobel Prize achievement, Flexibility of polymer chain