大学化学 >> 2017, Vol. 32 >> Issue (3): 60-62.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX201608016

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  • 发布日期:2017-03-15
  • 通讯作者: 柴卓 E-mail:chaizhuo@mail.ahnu.edu.cn

Descriptors for Stereoselectivity of Organic Reactions: %ee, %de or er, dr?

Zhuo CHAI*()   

  • Published:2017-03-15
  • Contact: Zhuo CHAI E-mail:chaizhuo@mail.ahnu.edu.cn


有机反应的立体选择性和有机化合物的立体异构现象不仅在有机化学,在药物科学和生命科学等相关学科领域中也是具有极其重要意义的研究课题之一。本文介绍了表达有机反应立体选择性高低和立体异构体纯度的几个重要描述术语——对映体过量百分数(percent enantiomeric excess,简写为%ee)、非对映体过量百分数(percent diastereomeric excess,简写为%de)、对映体比例(enantiomeric ratio,简写为er)和非对映体比例(diastereomeric ratio,简写为dr)的历史由来、含义及其在学术使用中存在的争议,给大学有机化学课程相关内容的教学提出建议。

关键词: 立体选择性, 立体异构, 对映选择性, 非对映体选择性


The stereoselectivity of organic reactions and the stereoisomerism of organic compounds constitute one of the research topics with paramount importance not only in organic chemistry, but also in related disciplines such as medicinal science and life science. This article introduces the historic origins, connotations and academic usage contentions of several important descriptors for stereoselectivity and stereochemical purity:percent enantiomeric excess (%ee), percent diastereomeric excess (%de), enantiomeric ratio (er) and diastereomeric ratio (dr), and gives suggestion on introducing these terms in the teaching processes of relevant courses.

Key words: Stereoselectivity, Stereoisomerism, Enantioselectivity, Diastereoselectivity