大学化学 >> 2023, Vol. 38 >> Issue (5): 193-201.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202207060

化学实验 上一篇    下一篇


刘振波(), 肖佳月, 刘爽, 姜文硕, 兰欣宇, 贾文萱, 李天愉   

  • 收稿日期:2022-07-13 录用日期:2022-09-09 发布日期:2022-09-23
  • 通讯作者: 刘振波 E-mail:zhenboliu@foxmail.com

A Comprehensive Experiment of BODIPY Fluorescent Probes Synthesis and Hypochlorous Acid Detection

Zhenbo Liu(), Jiayue Xiao, Shuang Liu, Wenshuo Jiang, Xinyu Lan, Wenxuan Jia, Tianyu Li   

  • Received:2022-07-13 Accepted:2022-09-09 Published:2022-09-23
  • Contact: Zhenbo Liu E-mail:zhenboliu@foxmail.com


有机实验和仪器分析实验是本科生阶段化学教学的重点内容,虽然现有的教学实验内容已十分丰富与完善,但缺少两者之间的融合以及与科研领域的联系。针对上述不足,我们将科学研究前沿和热点的荧光检测技术引入教学实践。实验通过对BODIPY (氟硼二吡咯)荧光染料结构的设计改良,合成一种具有快速响应、选择性高和灵敏度好的新型次氯酸荧光探针,对荧光探针结构进行表征,并测定荧光探针的荧光性质。通过对探针结构与荧光性质之间关系的研究,有助于加深学生荧光发光原理的理解。实验内容涵盖有机合成、产物仪器表征、光谱分析等方面,综合性强且易于学生操作。教学实践过程有助于培养学生的科学思维、理论与实践相结合的能力。

关键词: 荧光探针, 有机实验, 仪器分析实验, 综合性


Herein, we apply a state-of-the-art fluorescence detection technology from scientific research to teaching. By optimizing the molecular structure and changing the properties of fluorescent probes, we overcome the shortcomings of BODIPY (fluoroboron dipyrrole) fluorescent dyes, such as short emission wavelengths and poor hydrophilicity. A novel hypochlorite fluorescent probe with a fast response, high selectivity, and good sensitivity was synthesized through the design and improvement of the structure of the BODIPY fluorescent dye. The obtained structure of the fluorescent probe was characterized, and the fluorescence properties of the probe were measured. Through the study of the relationship between the probe structure and fluorescence properties, students will have a better understanding of the mechanism of fluorescent probe recognition and the basic principles of fluorescence and luminescence. The experimental part includes organic synthesis and purification, instrumental characterization of the products, and evaluation of the obtained results. This experiment is comprehensive and simple to perform. The methodical experimental procedure is beneficial for cultivating scientific thinking and the students' ability to connect theory with practice. Moreover, this experiment can improve their practical skills, and develop the ability to data process and perform literature research in Chinese and other foreign languages.

Key words: Fluorescent probe, Organic experiment, Instrumental analysis experiment, Comprehensiveness