University Chemistry ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 2107100.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202107100

Special Issue:

• Study and Reform of Chemical Education • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Blended Teaching Design of Undergraduate Spectroscopy to Cultivate Scientific Research Awareness

Zhonghua Ma(), Jimei Ma, Xieshe Cheng, Xiufang Cao   

  • Received:2021-07-27 Accepted:2021-09-07 Published:2021-10-22
  • Contact: Zhonghua Ma


A new "double-integration" teaching model was used in our spectroscopy course, including the combination of online teaching and offline discussion, literature reading, and spectroscopic elucidation exercises. This teaching model focuses on the cultivation of the core qualities of chemistry and aims at developing students' awareness of scientific research to solve existing problems in traditional teaching methods. Out-of-class discussion was implemented. The primary-level discussion connected online and offline teaching content. The high-level discussion relied on the scientific content and literature research to supplement the teaching content and promote students' awareness of scientific research. Three aspects including out-of-class discussions, discussions on reports and flipped classes ensured the participation of the students. "Double integration" was found to play a practical role in stimulating students learning and changing their modes of thinking, cultivating their data interpretation ability, and improving students awareness of professional quality and scientific research.

Key words: Spectroscopy, Classroom teaching, Blended teaching mode, Out-of-class discussion, Instructional evaluation