University Chemistry ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 15-21.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202208031

• Study and Reform of Chemical Education • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research and Practice of "Three Integration, Three Transformation" Blended Teaching Mode for Chemical Separation Engineering Course

Hongxiu Zhang(), Yongheng Yin, Lanlan Song, Shanliang Mu   

  • Received:2022-08-05 Accepted:2022-09-28 Published:2022-11-07
  • Contact: Hongxiu Zhang


Based on standard teaching practice, we propose a blended teaching mode called "three Integration, three transformation" for chemical separation engineering course. This mode was designed in accordance with ideological and political education principles and the engineering education certification. The integration of online and offline teaching allows teachers to take advantage of online teaching resources such as "Rain Classroom". Meanwhile, there is potential to develop a more scientific evaluation system of the overall learning process. The integration of ideological and political education and professional education is conducive to the completion of the fundamental task of "establishing morality and cultivating people". Furthermore, to meet the requirements of the emerging engineering education, we actively mobilized offline practical teaching resources to improve students' engineering practical literacy. Preliminary teaching trials show that this model can stimulate students' interest in learning and innovation potential and improve their higher-order thinking skills. The overall learning outcomes were also significantly improved.

Key words: BOPPPS, Rain Classroom, Chemical separation engineering, Ideological and political education, High order thinking