University Chemistry ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 108-117.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202208073

• Chemistry Laboratory • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design of a Comprehensive Experiment for the Green Chemistry Preparation and Capacitive Properties of Porous Carbon Materials

Yahui Gao(), Juan Li, Guojie Yin, Lan Zhang, Dan Zhao, Meijia Chang, Shaowen Zhang   

  • Received:2022-08-12 Accepted:2022-09-19 Published:2022-10-26
  • Contact: Yahui Gao


With the goal of developing high-quality applied talents, a comprehensive experiment, "Preparation and capacitive properties of porous carbon materials", has been designed to cultivate the practical and innovative abilities of students. The experiment consists of multiple parts, including formulating a scheme, preparing and characterizing materials, measuring the performance, processing data, and writing a paper based on the basic theory and preparation principles of porous carbon materials that the students have mastered. After this training, students will be familiar with scientific research ideas and will have mastered the experimental methods and skills to operate a tube furnace; conduct scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction characterization, N2 adsorption-desorption, and capacitance performance analyses; and perform data processing. Thus, the goal of nurturing students' scientific research interest, cultivating awareness on sustainable development, and inculcating an innovative spirit will be realized.

Key words: Comprehensive experiment, Green chemistry, Biomass, Porous carbon, Specific capacitance