University Chemistry ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 22-28.doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202202010

• Study and Reform of Chemical Education • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Synergistic Teaching Methodology for Theoretical and Experimental Courses in Physical Chemistry

Jianaer Tuerxun(), Jingjing Wang, Guangming Du   

  • Received:2022-02-08 Accepted:2022-03-21 Published:2022-04-01
  • Contact: Jianaer Tuerxun


A new teaching methodology was explored to synergistically combine theoretical and experimental courses in physical chemistry. Experimental principles were introduced in the theoretical course by selecting a suitable point of introduction. Students' understanding of the subject was enhanced, and so was their interest in learning and acquiring more knowledge. The class atmosphere was active; the students were better integrated into the classroom environment and interacted better with each other. Teachers should guide students on learning the thought process and methods of designing experiments, and stipulate specific requirements on data recording and processing during experimental courses. The experimental reports of the students were more logical than before. They were able to correctly analyze experimental errors, and could propose suggestions on the experimental approach, experimental method, and instrumentation. Thus, this methodology can foster logical thinking capabilities and nurture the practical abilities of students. The implementation of this teaching methodology requires strong enforcement by the school and the department.

Key words: Physical chemistry, Theoretical course, Experimental course, Synergistic teaching mode